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안까먹을라고 쓰는 블로그
Text-Lcd 모듈 프로그래밍 본문
#include "c:\AvrEdit\JJ128c\JJ128.h" 안의 함수들
void Delay_us(unsigned char time_us) /* time delay for us */
{ register unsigned char i;
for(i = 0; i < time_us; i++) // 4 cycle +
{ asm volatile(" PUSH R0 "); // 2 cycle +
asm volatile(" POP R0 "); // 2 cycle +
asm volatile(" PUSH R0 "); // 2 cycle +
asm volatile(" POP R0 "); // 2 cycle +
asm volatile(" PUSH R0 "); // 2 cycle +
asm volatile(" POP R0 "); // 2 cycle = 16 cycle = 1 us for 16MHz
void Delay_ms(unsigned int time_ms) /* time delay for ms */
{ register unsigned int i;
for(i = 0; i < time_ms; i++)
{ Delay_us(250);
8비트 인터페이스 초기화 프로그래밍순서
1. 전원을 투입하서나 리셋스위치를 누른다.
2. 초기화를 수행하기 전에 최소한 30 ms 이상을 기다린다.
3. Function set 명령 (0011xx00b)를 보낸다.
4. Display ON/OFF control 명령(000001xxb)을 보낸다.
5. Entry mode set 명령(000001xxb)을 보낸다.
6. DD RAM 어드레스를 보낸다.
7. 표시할 문자 데이터를 보낸다.
8. 필요할 경우 7~8 과정을 반복한다.
void MCU_initialize(void) /* initialize ATmege128 MCU */
MCUCR = 0xC0; // enable external memory and I/O
XMCRA = 0x00; // 0x1100-0xFFFF=1 wait
XMCRB = 0x84; // enable bus keeper, use PC7-PC4 as I/O port
DDRB = 0xFF; // PORTB = output
PORTB = 0x00;
DDRC = 0xF0; // PC7-PC4 = output
PORTC = 0x00;
DDRD = 0xFF; // PORTD = output
PORTD = 0xE0;
DDRE = 0x3F; // PE5-PE0 = output, PE7-PE6 = input
PORTE = 0x00;
DDRF = 0x00; // PORTF = input
PORTF = 0x00;
DDRG = 0x1F; // PORTG = output
PORTG = 0x00;
OUT_LATCH = 0x00; // clear 7-segment LED
void LCD_command(unsigned char command) /* write a command(instruction) to text LCD */
LCD_CONTROL = 0x00; // E = 0, Rs = 0
LCD_DATABUS = command; // output command
LCD_CONTROL = 0x01; // E = 1
asm volatile(" PUSH R0 "); // delay for about 250 ns
asm volatile(" POP R0 ");
LCD_CONTROL = 0x00; // E = 0
void LCD_data(unsigned char data) /* display a character on text LCD */
LCD_CONTROL = 0x02; // E = 0, Rs = 1
LCD_DATABUS = data; // output data
LCD_CONTROL = 0x03; // E = 1
asm volatile(" PUSH R0 "); // delay for about 250 ns
asm volatile(" POP R0 ");
LCD_CONTROL = 0x02; // E = 0
void LCD_string(unsigned char command, unsigned char *string) /* display a string on LCD */
LCD_command(command); // start position of string
while(*string != '\0') // display string
{ LCD_data(*string);
void LCD_initialize(void) /* initialize text LCD module */
LCD_CONTROL = 0x03; // E = 1, Rs = 1 (dummy write)
LCD_CONTROL = 0x02; // E = 0, Rs = 1
LCD_command(0x38); // function set(8 bit, 2 line, 5x7 dot)
LCD_command(0x0C); // display control(display ON, cursor OFF)
LCD_command(0x06); // entry mode set(increment, not shift)
LCD_command(0x01); // clear display
- 기본 텍스트 lcd 프로그램
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "c:\AvrEdit\JJ128c\JJ128.h"
int main(void)
unsigned char i;
MCU_initialize(); // initialize MCU
Delay_ms(50); // wait for system stabilization
LCD_initialize(); // initialize text LCD module
LCD_string(0x80," JJ-128 V1.0 "); // display logo
LCD_string(0xC0," ATmega128-16AI "); // display message 1
LCD_string(0xC0," 2005/10/01 "); // display message 2
LCD_string(0x80,"0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF"); // display long line
LCD_string(0xC0,"Go shift left and right 16 times");
for(i=0; i<16; i++) // shift left
{ LCD_command(0x18);
for(i=0; i<16; i++) // shift right
{ LCD_command(0x1C);
- 정수 데이터 출력 텍스트 lcd 프로그램
#include <avr/io.h>
#include "c:\AvrEdit\JJ128c\JJ128.h"
void LCD_2d(unsigned char number) /* display 2-digit decimal number */
{ unsigned char i;
i = number/10; // 10^1
if(i == 0) LCD_data(' ');
else LCD_data(i + '0');
i = number % 10; // 10^0
LCD_data(i + '0');
void LCD_3d(unsigned int number) /* display 3-digit decimal number */
{ unsigned int i;
unsigned char flag;
flag = 0;
i = number/100; // 10^2
if(i == 0) LCD_data(' ');
else { LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;
number = number % 100; // 10^1
i = number/10;
if((i == 0) && (flag == 0))
LCD_data(' ');
else { LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;
i = number % 10; // 10^0
LCD_data(i + '0');
void LCD_4d(unsigned int number) /* display 4-digit decimal number */
{ unsigned int i;
unsigned char flag;
flag = 0;
i = number/1000; // 10^3
if(i == 0) LCD_data(' ');
else { LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;
number = number % 1000; // 10^2
i = number/100;
if((i == 0) && (flag == 0))
LCD_data(' ');
else { LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;
number = number % 100; // 10^1
i = number/10;
if((i == 0) && (flag == 0))
LCD_data(' ');
else { LCD_data(i + '0');
flag = 1;
i = number % 10; // 10^0
LCD_data(i + '0');
void LCD_2hex(unsigned char number) /* display 2-digit hex number */
{ unsigned char i;
i = (number >> 4) & 0x0F; // 16^1
if(i <= 9) LCD_data(i + '0');
else LCD_data(i - 10 + 'A');
i = number & 0x0F; // 16^0
if(i <= 9) LCD_data(i + '0');
else LCD_data(i - 10 + 'A');
void LCD_8bin(unsigned char number) /* display 8-bit binary number */
LCD_data(((number >> 7) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^7
LCD_data(((number >> 6) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^6
LCD_data(((number >> 5) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^5
LCD_data(((number >> 4) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^4
LCD_data(((number >> 3) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^3
LCD_data(((number >> 2) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^2
LCD_data(((number >> 1) & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^1
LCD_data((number & 0x01) + '0'); // 2^0
int main(void)
{ unsigned char i, j;
MCU_initialize(); // initialize MCU
Delay_ms(50); // wait for system stabilization
LCD_initialize(); // initialize text LCD module
{ LCD_string(0x80," INTEGER = 000 "); // display 8-bit integer
LCD_string(0xC0,"= 00H = 00000000");
for(i=1; i>0; i++) // integer number from 1 to 255
{ LCD_command(0x8B); // decimal number
LCD_3d((unsigned int)i);
LCD_command(0xC2); // hexadecimal number
LCD_command(0xC8); // binary number
LCD_string(0x80," MULTI TABLE(1) "); // display multiplication table(1)
LCD_string(0xC0," 0 x 0 = 00 ");
for(i=2; i<=9; i++)
for(j=1; j<=9; j++)
{ LCD_command(0xC3); LCD_data(i+'0'); // display multiplicand
LCD_command(0xC7); LCD_data(j+'0'); // display multiplier
LCD_command(0xCB); LCD_2d(i*j); // display multiplication
LCD_string(0x80," MULTI TABLE(2) "); // display multiplication table(2)
LCD_string(0xC0," 00 x 00 = 0000 ");
for(i=10; i<=90; i += 10)
for(j=10; j<=90; j += 10)
{ LCD_command(0xC1); LCD_2d(i); // display multiplicand
LCD_command(0xC6); LCD_2d(j); // display multiplier
LCD_command(0xCB); LCD_4d(i*j); // display multiplication
[첨부파일] 현대 lcd의 - HC16202NY-LY (datasheet 첨부)
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